What | Definition |
ADS | Advance Direction Sign – a classification of sign which gives road users the layout & destinations of an upcoming junction |
ALR | All Lanes Running – A type of Smart Motorway which permanently converts the hard shoulder into a running lane by reducing the central reserve. ERAs are provided as a mitigation of no hard shoulder along with VSL & VMs. |
AMI | Advance Matrix Indicator – A type of VMS that usually displays speed limits or red Xs. Usually only found on Smart Motorways. |
ASL | Advance Stop Line – An area at traffic signals where cyclists can wait ahead of other traffic |
ATF | Active Travel Fund – A central government fund providing money to local governments for walking & cycling schemes. A number on the end relates to the Tranche |
BBS | Bus Border Stop – A way for a cycle lane or track to interact with a bus stop. The Cycle lane/track is raised upto footway level and the area around the bus stop becomes a shared space. This means if there is a bus in the stop, it will not get in the way of cyclists, otherwise forcing them into traffic. Least preferred option, but suitable where land constraints and low usage bus stops. |
PBU | Push Button Unit – a unit which has a button on it which a road user can push as a trigger. Commonly found at pedestrian crossings, but can also be found at locations cycle tracks interact with roads. PBUs can also have proximity sensors built in. |
BOAT | Byway Open to All Traffic – a PRoW designation which allows all modes of transport to use it, including motor vehicles. However a TRO can be applied to an PRoW to prevent certain modes of transport using it. |
BSIP | Bus Service Improvement Plan |
B&HCC | Brighton & Hove City Council. Sometimes written as BHCC or simply as BH |
Controlled Motorway | A type of smart motorway which doesn’t remove or allow the hard shoulder to be used as a running lane. Simply A traditional motorway but with VSL and more than usual VMSs |
CSRN | County Strategic Road Network – A term used by WSCC as another level of road classification. It includes: A2300, A272 (between A24 and county boundary), A24 (North of A27), A280, A259 (Between A27 & A280), A283 (North of A27), A264 (East of A281), A281 (West of A264) |
Cycle Lane | A painted lane on a carriageway and sometimes footways which is dedicated for cyclists to use, no other vehicles may enter a cycle lane except in some circumstances. Cycle lanes may have light protection. |
Cycle Track | An off-carriageway area which is segregated from both pedestrians and motor vehicles for use only by cyclists. |
CYCLOPS | CYCLe Optimised Protected Signals – a junction layout which allows cyclists to travel through a traffic signal controlled junction with protection (segregation from motor vehicles) with minimal delay. Whilst a CYCLOPS design isn’t a fixed layout, it is usually used where single carriageway roads meet at a crossroads. Cyclists and pedestrians share the same phase which allows cyclists to go around the junction at the same time as pedestrians cross. They also allow cyclists to make left turns without stopping a red light, |
DHSR | Dynamic Hard Shoulder Running – A type of Smart Motorway which allows the hard shoulder to become a running lane at peak times. ERAs are provided as a mitigation of no hard shoulder along with VSL & VMs. |
DtF | Department for Transport – UK Government Body for Transport |
Dig Once | A term used to somewhat futureproof a road or path by installing ducts during its construction. If utilities need to be installed in the future, they can use the ducts which results in minimal disruption to the usage of the road/path, as well as being cheaper and requires less plant and materials. |
ESCC | East Sussex County Council |
ETRO | A TRO which is used in an emergency. Usually no consultation and used as an immediate response to a situation. Such as a defected bridge may have a temporary weight limit and/or speed limit reduction. |
FBS | Floating Bus Stop – also known as a bus stop bypass (BSB). A way for a cycle lane or track to interact with a bus stop. The lane/track becomes segregated from the carriageway and runs around the back of the bus stop area. Mini zebra crossings or raised crossings are provided to allow pedestrians to access the bus stop. When a bus is stopped at the bus stop it will not effect cyclists at all, except pedestrians exiting/entering the bus stop area. |
GSJ | Grade Separated Junction – A junction which has traffic passing at different levels. Access to one or two of the roads will be via slip roads only. |
HE | Highways England – The former public company which is in charge of managing England’s SRN. Now is called National Highways (NH) |
Lane Rental | Lane Rental is a scheme run by county councils which charges those (utility companies, highway teams, etc) carrying out lane closures a rate depending on the road classification closed, the time of day, length of works and other factors. It is aimed at incentiveing utility companies to carry out their works quickly & at times of day where it impacts traffic less in order to reduce delays and user frustration at roadworks. |
LCWIP | Local Cycling & Walking Improvement Plan |
Limited Access Road | A limited access road is a road that can only be accessed by slip roads. There are no properties directly on the road and side roads are uncommon and typically join at a GSJ. |
LLCS | Low Level Cycle Signals – Traffic signals which are provided for cyclists at traffic lights. They are smaller in size and mounted at about 1.5m. Usually only found where there is dedicated cycle infrastructure and can allow an early green light for cyclists. |
LRN | Lorry Route Network – A term used by WSCC to classify what routes HGVs can take. Although these routes may not be suitable for long distance through traffic. It ultimately includes nearly every A road. |
Motorway Regulations | A legal designation of a road that makes it a motorway. Motorway regulations allow a great number of restrictions to apply at the same time such as ban of some vehicles, no u-turning, no stopping (including verge & hard shoulder), and speed limit restrictions. |
MRN | Major Road Network – A nationwide term for local roads which can receive additional funding. Its based on the amount of traffic that uses it. |
NH | National Highways – The Public company responsible for maintaining trunk roads in England |
OSR | Old Shoreham Road – a road in Brighton. Connects onto USR by extension |
Parallel | A type of controlled crossing which gives pedestrians and cyclists priority to cross. |
Pegasus | A type of signal controlled crossing which allows equestrians to cross. Can be either Pelican or Puffin style crossing with near-side or far-side signals. Usually a Toucan crossing is provided adjacent for pedestrians and cyclists. Pegasus crossings usually have a high PBU for equestrians to push while mounted. |
Pelican | Pedestrian Light Controlled Crossing – A type of signal controlled crossing which allows pedestrians to cross. Almost always feature far-side signals (red/green man on opposite side of the road). They work on a fixed time, so are not as efficient as Puffins. |
PRoW | Public Right of Way – Usually a path, track or road which has legal passage rights of certain modes of transport. There are four times of PRoW, these are Public Footpath, Public Bridleway, Restricted Byway & Byway open to all Traffic (BOAT). |
PRN | Primary Route Network – A nationwide classification of routes which are important. All PRN should be passable by all vehicles, however “Lorry Diversions” can exist such as on the A272 at Petworth. PRN roads are signed using white(/yellow) on green signs rather than black on white. PRN roads in West Sussex: A22, A23 (south of M23 & Gatwick spur), A24 (North of A27), A27, A259 (Between A27 and Bognor Regis), A264 (Between A24 and A22), A272, A280, A283 PRN roads in Brighton and Hove: A23, A27, A293 PRN roads in East Sussex: A21, A22, A26, A27, A259 (East of A27), A272 (West of A22) |
Public Bridleway | A legal designation of PRoW which gives people the right to pass along the way on foot, horseback and bicycle. There is no ban on other modes of transport, although no rights exist. Although bicycles are allowed, they don’t have to be physically passable by bicycle, but must be passable by horses and foot traffic unless a TRO is applied. |
Public Footpath | A legal designation of PRoW which gives people the right to pass along the way on foot. There is no ban on other modes of transport, although no rights exist. Sometimes public footpaths have cycle rights along them. |
Puffin | Pedestrian User-friendly Intelligent – A type of signal controlled crossing which allows pedestrians to cross. Almost always feature near-side signals (red/green man on PBU). They can detect when pedestrians are still on the crossing and reduce or give more green light time as appropriate, safer and more efficient than Pelican crossings. |
P&R | Park and Ride – parking provided outside of an urban area with a bus, tram or train service provided to get into the centre of the urban area. Avoids traffic in the built up areas reducing pollution as well as being cheaper. |
Restricted Byway | A legal designation of PRoW which gives people the right to pass along the way on foot, bicycle and horse back. Unlike all the other PRoW designations, a restricted byway does carry a prohibition on motor vehicles unless other rights exist, such as for access or is also a public highway. |
RSA | Road Safety Audit – A review of a road or road scheme by an independent consultant. Usually has several levels, and recommendations come out of the audit which can be used to improve road safety. |
S38 | Section 38 can be used when a unadopted or new private road is offered to the Highway Authority for adoption. Usually for the Highway Authority to adopt the road, it needs to meet standards and be in a good condition as well as be useful for the wider network such as bus or cycle routes. Upon adoption, the responsibility & ownership of the road will be the councils. |
S58 | Section 58 restriction is a special designation that can be applied to a recently built or refurbished road which can prevent utility companies from carrying out works which would disrupt traffic & the newly laid road. These restrictions vary in length of time from a few months to a few years, however it is uncommon for a S58 to last more than 5 years. |
S106 | Section 106 funds are collected from planning applications to fund public services in the local area. This can include libraries, schools & roads. The developer pays a sum to the council, who would then decide to spend it appropriately, although sometimes the S106 money can be committed to a certain project upon paying. |
S278 | Section 278 allows the highway authority to enter into an agreement with a third party (usually a housing developer) to carry out improvements on the existing highway network. The developer has to developer the whole project including all costs and administrative work. |
SDNPA | South Downs National Park Authority – The organisation which is in charge of the South Downs National Park. They make decisions relating to any changes in the national park. |
SMP | Smart Motorway Project – A motorway upgrade scheme on motorways to make them into a smart motorway (usually ALR) |
SRN | Strategic Road Network – Most motorways and important A roads in the country. Those in England are managed by National Highways. In Sussex this is the A27, A23 (between A27 & M23 & the spur at Gatwick), M23, A26 (south of A27), A259 (East of A27 excluding in Hastings), A21 (excluding in Hastings) |
SUDS | Sustainable Urban Drainage System – A common term used to a run-off water management system in an urban area which lessens flooding. |
Toucan | Two-can [cross] – A type of signal controlled crossing which allows pedestrians & cyclists to cross. Can be either Pelican or Puffin style crossing with near-side or far-side signals. |
TRO | Traffic Restriction Order – a legal document stating a restriction on a road or way. These restrictions can be related to speed, vehicle type & turns. |
TTRO | Temporary Traffic Restriction Order – a TRO which has an expiry. Usually used for roadworks. |
TSM | Traffic Signs Manual – An easy to understand guidance of how road signs & markings should be designed and placed. |
USR | Upper Shoreham Road – A road in West Sussex. |
VG | Valley Gardens – The southern end of the A23 in Brighton & Hove. VG1/2/3 relates to the phase of the scheme. |
VMS | Variable Message Sign – A sign that change. Some are on prisms that rotate to show a different sign such as the “road closed” ones at Southwick Tunnel, while others have a matric or digital display to show written messages or VSL. |
VRS | Vehicle Restraint System – typically called “crash barriers“. Usually made of steel or concrete and found in a central reserve or edge of road at sharp corners. |
VSL | Variable Speed Limit- Speed limits that can change, typically found on Smart Motorways |
WSCC | West Sussex County Council |
Zebra | A type of controlled crossing which gives pedestrians priority to cross. |