Similar to the proposed Dutch Roundabout, there are proposed changes along Sherbourne road which are to be carried out by the housing developer on the adjacent site. These changes are to support active travel and cycle/pedestrian priority where there may be a large increase of motor traffic.
The Mini Roundabout Changes
Westgate (the road) running East to West makes up part of NCN2. To the East it heads towards Westgate Roundabout where the proposed Dutch Style Roundabout is to be constructed, the road here will receive traffic calming measures, but cyclists will remain on the carriageway. To the West is current there are a few residential properties and a school, but due to become one of the two main access points of the new housing development.
The mini-roundabout of Westgate & Sherbourne Road is proposed to be reconstructed, however with some new parallel crossings installed inadequately. The plan is below.

All the footways around the mini roundabout will become shared spaces between pedestrians and cyclists, with two parallel crossings provided on the Northern and Eastern arms, however these crossings are only 1.5m wide for cyclists, which is not to standard for bi-directional cycle crossings. The Southern and Western arms have only a dropped kerb and no priority. This provides a basic level of provision for cyclists, however is inadequate, most cyclists will simply remain on the carriageway through the junction, unless turning left and can bypass queuing traffic by using the shared foot/cycleway. The sightlines on the foot/cycleway on the Northern arm as also shocking as it is up against a blind tall wall/hedge.
Sherbourne Road Changes
Sherbourne Road is due to have two of its priority junctions replaced with mini roundabouts, it will also receive some traffic calming measures such as more roundel road markings along with two new zebra crossings.