TRO for new Toucan and Pegasus Crossings announced for North Horsham

Tomorrow the TRO response period to establish 4 new crossings on Rusper Road & School Road will open. Both of these roads are new or rebuilt as part of the North Horsham development which started main construction a year ago. The new school is due to open for September 2021, however at this point Rusper Road is due to be running on a single carriageway and the A264 roundabout still under re-construction.

The Plans

The first Pegasus / Toucan Crossing Northbound

The first crossing is located on the new northbound carriageway, after the temporary tie in of the southbound carriageway. The main carriageway at this point will be limited to 40mph, and a Toucan and Pegasus crossing will be provided. There will be no adjacent southbound crossing, although there will be one at the roundabout, as well as one to the north, seen below.

The second set of crossings of both carriageways.

A set of traffic signals will be provided nearer to the new roundabout on Rusper Road. The crossing on the Northbound carriageway will be a Toucan, which will provide access to a public footpath as well as a new cycle/footway to the north. The crossing of the southbound carriageway will also include a Pegasus crossing to allow access to the Bridleway on the Eastern side of the road.

New crossing on School Road (New Road)

A Toucan crossing will be provided on School Road near to its proposed entrance.

All responses to this TRO are needed by the 26th August, more information can be found here.

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