New plans for A23 bus lane at Patcham go on consultation

A consultation has began on plans to introduce bus lanes and active travel measures along the A23 near to Patcham. The plan widely consists of altering the layout of the A23 on the Patcham Bypass by removing both of the existing cycle lanes and then introduce a Southbound bus lane between Bragwyn Cresent and Bragwyn Drive. Southbound cyclists are expected to share the bus lane with busses, whilst Northbound cyclists are likely have to share the road with motor vehicles, although the Northbound cycle lane may still remain, it is unclear at this time.

In addition the road will have it’s speed limit reduced to 30 mph from 40 mph along with the existing refuge island pedestrian crossing at the Southern end of the Patcham Bypass being removed and replaced with a single stage signalised puffin crossing.

This section of the A23 is was to have active travel improvements as phase 3 of the proposed A23 active travel corridor, which would have seen the existing cycle lanes widen and protected, however this scheme is completely in-odds with the previous proposed changed which would have simply widened the cycle lanes within the existing carriageway with further kerb protection.

The proposed changes are open for general consultation until the 9th September, and if approved would likely be installed in Early 2025. The scheme would be funded by the Bus Improvement Fund.

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