As part of a nationwide £7 billion investment into public transport, Sussex authorities have been awarded £86.4 million. This money has been provisionally allocated to

In October 2021 B&H CC asked residents about what they would like to see to help make Hanover and Tarner into a liveable neighbourhood. Responses

All schemes are getting the go-ahead in Brighton
Earlier this week the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee met to discuss schemes on the A23, A259, Park & Ride and policy documents such as

Last year B&HCC launched a consultation on 6 new school streets in the city and its been reported that the schemes approvals ranged from 73.4%

A259 Shoreham – Brighton & other route public engagement for cycle routes
West Sussex County Council is wanting Public engagement for view of potential new cycle routes across West Sussex. Engagement and Consultation will initially be in

On the 15th March the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee will meet to discuss and make decisions on various topics including deciding whether to proceed

On the 15th March the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee will meet to discuss and make decisions on various topics including deciding whether to proceed

On the 15th March the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee will meet to discuss and make decisions on various topics including deciding the outcome for
From the 1st of Match until mid-May four main roads in Crawley will receive £3.5 million in investment. The works involve removing the top layers
The shared cycle/footway besides Ditchling Road from Old Boat Corner to the edge of the built up area at Woodbourne Avenue is due to be