Earlier this week the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee met to discuss schemes on the A23, A259, Park & Ride and policy documents such as the LCWIP (Local Cycling & Walking Improvement Plan).
Park & Ride at Mill Road
As we previously covered, the trial Park & Ride scheme on Mill Road next the A27 was debated at this committee meeting.
This trial scheme will run for 4 summer months due to this being the busiest time in the city for car parking, as well as when there is less demand on the University bus services. The bus company doesn’t have the resources to run the trial beyond these periods, which is why it will only run for 4 months despite demand for it to likely exist after September.
In the meeting it was clarified that the Park & Ride bus service will cost users about £8 for a group ticket, and only stop at London Road, St. Peters Church & The Old Steine as well as the six bus stops along Mill Road.
The trial scheme will cost B&HCC £70,000 to install and £30,000 to remove, whilst Brighton & Hove Buses will be funding the scheme’s advertisement and running costs, estimated to be in excess of £200,000. The trial scheme will also improve the current P&R for the AmEx, regardless if a permanent P&R scheme is delivered at a future date.
Mill Road sits entirely in the South Downs National Park, so whilst the trial park and ride scheme can likely go ahead without any planning consent, any future permanent scheme will likely need planning consent from the National Park Authority.
The committee approved for the trial to go ahead.
A259 Temporary cycle lane extension
The committee discussed the planned temporary cycle lane extension. The Green & Labour Parties fully supported the extension, and for it to be constructed as per the most recent plans. The conservative party supported the plans East of Hove Street, however asked for the section West of Hove Street to be delayed so it can be tied into the planned £9m public realm works, and also with concerns over right turning traffic blocking traffic and causing congestion.
However despite this, the plans were put through as recommended. This scheme is designed to be “temporary”, along with the rest of the A259 scheme, so it is expected to replace the temporary scheme with a high quality permanent scheme in the coming years which can tie into the Public Realm works.
A23 Cycle lane upgrade (section 1)
The committee approved this scheme before the meeting, as such it was not debated in the meeting. The first section of the A23 cycle lane upgrade will go ahead as designed, however it is unclear about the staggered junction at Preston Drove
LCWIP (Local Cycling & Walking Improvement Plan)
The LCWIP has been approved by the council, and is now adopted.
This will allow some land to be safeguarded for cycle infrastructure, and consideration for the cycle network for planning applications & redevelopment along the routes. It is also used when applying for funding.
The webcast of the meeting is available here