For the meeting of the 2nd Tranche Active Travel Fund’s post consultation debates, it was outlined what potential scheme could be bided for as part of Tranche 3.
Marine Parade A259
A permanents scheme which would introduce cycle lanes along Marine Parade, these would tie into the proposed Valley Gardens Phase 3 works which would include replacing the seafront roundabout with a traffic signal controlled crossroads. Ultimately this would duplicate the new bi-directional cycle lane on Madeira Drive, however on the upper level which current doesn’t have any cycle infrastructure other than a short section on Eastern Road.
Marine Parade is a very wide road, and its typically two lanes wide with parking on either side, in some places it is upto 20 metres wide. It features no cycle infrasturue, even the new traffic signals at the top of Dukes mound lacks ASL and LLCS.
Old Town
Making the temporary improvements permanent. I’d suspect this is mostly the changes in the Laines which has removed motor traffic and introduced cycle contraflows on all those roads in the lanies. Currently these are in ETROs and with minimal signage, so I’d suspect this funding is for the legal costs of TROs as well as additional signage and some minor layout changes to make the area feel pedestrianised.
Feasibility studies on improvements of NCN20 between Valley Gardens and Preston park. Currently the section of NCN20 between Preston Park and Valley Gardens is near impossible to follow as well as dangerous and inconvenient. This is just for a feasibility study as multiple routes need to be examined to choose one which will work the best. This also includes Stanford Avenue and Beaconsfield Road which were meant to be improved in Tranche 2.
Old Shoreham Road A270
Funding for permanent improvements in the form of a stepped cycle track to between The Drive (current end of permanent stepped cycle track) to Dyke Hangleton Road (current end of temporary cycle lane). Ultimately this would replace the temporary lane with a permanent one which will be an improvement to all road users. What is being proposed for OSR in Tranche 2 is just minor tweaks which may be incorporated for the final design.