As part of the North Horsham development, the main access road, Rusper Road is having a short section made into a dual carriageway, albeit with a wide gap in between for trees and a pond. The new carriageway is on the Western side and is complete, but running with two way traffic as the current road, which will become the Southbound carriageway is still being modified for the new layout.
This short dual carriageway will connect Rusper Road Roundabout on the A264 which is also being enlargeneded and rebuilt at the moment and a new roundabout about half way up the development at the new Bohunt School and Northern Moat Road.
Rusper Road will also gain a few crossings along it, including a Pegasus crossing along with two Toucan crossings. These will connect onto new cycleways on either side of Rusper Road as well as onto the new cycle/footbridge across the A264.
Some of the substructure of the bridge has started to be constructed. It is expected that the new roundabout will be opened, A264 under the bridge realigned & the bridge deck in place in the first few months of 2022, with all works at the A264 Rusper Road Roundabout being completed by the end of 2022.