East Sussex County Council are consulting on a new cycle route through Bexhill which would link the new development (the gateway) to the Seafront (NCN Route 2) via the leisure centre. The scheme was drawn up before LTN 1/20 was released, and the plans mostly do not reflect the new guidance.
Consultation is open from the 23rd November to the 16th December and can be found here.
The scheme starts off of NCN Route 2, which at this point runs along West Parade. The new route will stay on the main carriageway along Richmond Avenue, with just signage provided.The route crosses over Cooden Drive (B2182), then turns on Terminus Avenue, where it remains on the carriagewayAt the end of Terminus Avenue, the route navigates the staggered junction on Collington Avenue (B2098) to end up on Colebrooke Road. Double yellow lines would be extended at the junction to improve junction visibility.Colebrook Road turns into Downlands Avenue, where the route remains on the carriageway up to the end, where it would then leave the carriageway and join a footpath. This footpath will be widened to 3m and become a shared use path.The route follows the path to Down Road. It will cross Little Common Road (A259) at a Toucan crossing (currently Puffin). The route will then follow the pavement outside of the school to the entrance to the leisure centre where a temporary arrangement will take cyclists onto the access road. The area around the leisure centre will be completed at a later date as will be on private land.At the northern end of the Leisure centre the route will run along a footpath, but not allowed to cycle along it. Barriers will be erected to encourage dismounting. The route then crosses under the A2690 (Combe Valley Way) at the current subway onto the wide pavement along London Road.The route will then follow up the Western side of London Road before crossing over onto Hillside Road. At the end of Hillside Road the route will take the footpath which will be widened into a shared path. At King Offa Way (A259) the route will turn North and end up on Barrack Road where it will join the carriageway again.
From Barrack Road it will turn North again onto Silvester Road. At the end of Silvester Road it will join the footpath which will be winded to 3m and become a shared use path. This connects onto Hollier’s Hill (B2182) where it will cross over at a new Traffic Island. The pavement on the Eastern side will be widened and become a shared use path along with new waiting restrictions to keep the road & junctions clear. The route then joins onto Chantry Avenue on carriageway.
From Chantry Avenue, the route turns onto Wychurst Gardens and then onto Chartres, remaining on carriagewayFrom here it turns onto The GladesWhen it reaches Wrest Wood Road (A2036), the route leaves the carriageway and crosses the A road at a new Toucan crossing. From here it will connect onto new cycle route being developed as part of the housing & business developments.