Detailed designs for the A23 cycle track upgrade between Argyle Road & Cumberland Road have been released for comment. The other sections will have their final designs released for comment at a later date, then will be bought before the ETS committee in March for a final decision. Then works should begin shortly afterwards.

The southern end of the scheme has received minor revisions such as narrowing of the cycle track by the crossing due to the proximity to a Mature tree, as well as gaps in the divider to allow access to properties. Whilst there is still a short shared section at the end, this is likely to change with improvements in coming years to connect to Valley Gardens.

The junction of London Road & Stanford Avenue has got a major revision, now including Parallel crossings instead of Zebra crossings. Also the cycleway & footway are now segregated fully throughout the junction. An additional cycle link will also link into Preston Park, it is unclear where the cycle hire station would be located to. Much of the cycle track would be raised, however it is unclear if a shallow kerb separates the footway, or just a painted line.

Along Preston Park not much has changed. Still proposed to be a 2m stepped cycle track, however narrowing to 1.5 at points.

The Southern side of the large junction hasn’t received many changes. It still features a floating bus stop Southbound & partially segregated cycle tracks. Heading Northbound the cycle track runs in parallel with crossing. This isn’t particularly clear as South Road should then have a stop line before the crossing to stop left turning cyclists from going across the pedestrian crossing. Also the drawing suggests that the ASLs would be removed from South Road. Its also not clear how cyclists would make a right turn into South Road.

The junction with Preston Drove has also received some changes including removing the cycle phase leaving Preston Drove, instead providing an ASL to make right turns instead. Also a right turn pocket would be provided in the hatched area. A Floating Bus Stop would be provided Northbound, but requires the current traffic island to be removed.

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