Last year B&HCC launched a consultation on 6 new school streets in the city and its been reported that the schemes approvals ranged from 73.4% to 87.5% with 740 responses recorded between all of them.
One of the schemes will be installed over the Easter holidays at St Mary’s RC, this is one of the smaller schemes as it is located on a cul-de-sac and only include timed motor vehicle restrictions & a gate. The five other schemes are going to have their designed refined and should be implemented before the next academic year.
The aim of school streets is to:
- Improve safety for pupils around the school entrance
- Reduce air pollution in the vicinity of the school due to idling & stationary vehicles
- Encourage alternative modes of transport such as walking or wheeling
- Reduce congestion around the school entrances
This is being done by:
- Part time motor vehicular bans around schools
- Speed bumps to reduce speeds
- Modal Filters to filter out motor through-traffic
- Buildouts to prevent dropping off and picking up directly outside schools