From the 1st of Match until mid-May four main roads in Crawley will receive £3.5 million in investment. The works involve removing the top layers of the carriageway, then rebuilding the top layers using the latest techniques which will result in a more durable surface causing less noise & reducing spray. 75% of the materials used will be from sustainable sources including recycled materials from other roads.
The roads which are being reconstructed are:
• A2220 between Cheals roundabout and Bewbush roundabout
• A2011 between Tushmore roundabout and Hazelwick roundabout
• A2011 Hazlewick roundabout
• A2011 westbound carriageway between M23 and Hazlewick roundabout
The works will be carried out over night with full closures from 8pm till 6am, a speed limit of 30mph will apply the rest of the time until the surface layer is complete.