Improvement to A259 junctions between Littlehampton and Bognor in final consultation

The third round of public consultation has launched on the 13th March and will run till the 23rd April. During this time the public can provide feedback on the proposed changes to 5 junctions, 2 crossings, 1 new NMU link and a new proposed Bridge across the river Arun.

Feedback from the last consultation & further studies has allowed the project to develop into its final stages of consultation, after this consultation the outline business case will be made, and if approved detailed designs can be made for construction starting in 2025.

The overall aims of the scheme is to improve the corridor for all road users, but in particular, NMUs and buses. This will be achieved by redesigning the road junctions & providing additional pedestrian crossings.

The Plans

Comet Corner

Comet Corner is still proposed to become a roundabout, however now located on the Northern side instead of the Southern. It provides similar bus provision heading North Easterly, however Southbound now just has a segregated layby. Toucan crossings would be provided across the A259 and B2123

PROW 165 and 166

The proposed pedestrian crossing island where the A259 cuts across the Public footpath has no changes from last consultation.

Baird’s Business Park

The improved access to Baird’s Business Park has mostly remained the same, with additional traffic islands and a new left turn lane


The proposals at the Oystercatcher are similar as before. The existing t junctions would be replaced with a single roundabout, with a t junctions remaining for access to properties. Additional Toucan crossings would be provided and a bus lane bypass of the roundabout. The bus priority measures heading Eastbound would not be provided however.

Church Lane

Church Lane roundabout would be relocated West and enlarged as per previous consultation. Westbound bus lane roundabout bypass however would not be delivered. There would be a toucan crossings across the Northern and Western arms of the roundabout, whilst on the Eastern arm there would be a Toucan & Pegasus crossing.

Ferry Road

The junction with Ferry road was previously proposed to become a roundabout, however this has now been revised to just being a staggered crossroads. The existing stagger would be increased, as well as a Toucan crossing being provided to the Western side of the junctions.

Clympwick Bridge / Link to PROW206

It is still proposed to link the A259 NMU path to the Public footpath (206) which runs beside the river Arun, however the alignment of this linking path has been revised to be more straight. Previously what actions could be taken regarding the bridge was subject to its requirement for renewal and feasibility of providing a suitable path. The existing bridge does require renewal in the coming decade, but it is significantly cheaper to renewal it like for like and provide a separate NMU bridge than realigning the carriageway on the bridge, or widening the existing bridge.

The proposed NMU bridge appears to be about 3m wide.

Bridge Road Roundabout

Bridge Road Roundabout proposals include a left turn bypass for traffic leaving Littlehampton and a new Toucan crossing across the Northern Arm

Heading towards the retail park, an additional Toucan crossing would be provided, before linking back into the cycle/footway under the railway bridge.

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