£600,000 of funding secured for safety improvements to the A2010 in Brighton

Funding from the government’s “Safer Road for All Fun” has been secured for use on the A2010 in Brighton. The A2010 links BHASVIC to the seafront via Seven Dials & Brighton Station.

The £600,000 will be paired with a further £150,000 from the council & S106 developer contributions for a total of a £750,000 for the safety scheme which will see changes from Seven Dials to the Clock Tower. The scheme will see the existing North Road / Queens Road junction redesigned to accommodate the high pedestrian counts which use the road. The scheme would also include pavement widening & other junction changes which aim to improve safety for all road users.

Work on an initial design is underway and will be discussed at an Environment, Transport and Sustainability committee, if approved. Works could start early next year.

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