Brighton and Hove City Council are asking residents on their views for changes at four junctions in the city, with the aim to improve the pedestrian experience and overall improvement of safety.
Goldstone Villas Roundabout
It is proposed to alter the existing junction, which is well know for being a hot spot of collisions. The existing mini-roundabout will be removed and replaced with a standard priority junction, with the geometry adjusted to slow turning vehicles. On top of this a zebra crossing would be provided across Clarendon Villas whilst Eaton Villas would be made one-way except cycles Eastbound.

It is to note that a couple of years ago there was consultation on a scheme all the way along Goldstone Villas which would have closed both side roads off at this junction, except for cycles & pedestrians, although this scheme has gone no-where since consultation.
Elm Grove
It is proposed replaced the existing refuge island crossing on Elm Grove with a traffic signal controlled crossing instead. This would also include a kerb build-out to minimise the crossing distance.

Preston Drove
At the junction of Preston Drove & Surrenden Road it is proposed that minor kerb works could take place to widen the footways and provide dropped kerbs across Surrenden Road on desire lines. The existing two zebra crossings would remain the same.

Nevill Avenue
Two zebra crossings are proposed across Nevill Avenue nearby to the Bishop Hannington Memorial Church. These two zebra crossings would replace the existing refuge island crossings currently situated in their locations.

You can provide feedback to the schemes on their website, closes 2nd September.