Planning application DM/21/4355 outlines the works to be taken place for the new traffic signal controlled crossroads on Issacs’ Lane & Northern Arc Avenue, as well as some of the new road along the Northern Arc Avenue to the East, which may be known as either “School Avenue” or “Eastbridge Avenue” once completed.
From the original application, there has been a few minor adjustments, such as the A273 (Issacs’ Lane) will be limited to 40mph rather than 30mph where it is currently NSL. Works to create the junction are likely to take place in Summer 2022, as main construction works in this area are due to start in Late 2022.
The new signal junction is due to work in 5 main phases.
- Issacs’ Lane left & through
- Issacs’ Lane right turns
- Northern Arc Avenue left & through
- Northern Arc Avenue right turns
- All-ways Toucan crossings