List of approved community highway schemes for West Sussex

This week West Sussex County Council approved a list of 25 community highway projects which are aimed at being delivered in the 2023/24 year.

Below are a list of schemes that have been approved. Funding for these schemes may come from existing budgets, or are dependant on other funding or grants. Most schemes can happen without consultation, however some do require consultation or additional surveying.

Scheme NameDistrictParishDescriptionCost (£k)
Jackdaw Lane, HorshamHorshamHorshamRequest for dropped kerbs near to play area10
Chidham LaneChichesterChidham & HambrookStop up layby / footway widening and extension of SKC marking50
Lancing Coastal Cycle Path, LancingAdurLancingRequest for improvements/widening of coastal cycle path close to The Perch50
College Road & Street LaneMid SussexArdinglyFootway Enhancement55
West Chiltington LaneHorshamWest ChiltingtonNo Entry into slip road and engineering
improvements to junction
Bell Road Traffic CalmingHorshamWarnhamBell Road Traffic Calming80
Footway Crossing Enhancements – Park
Road / Maypole Road
Mid SussexEast GrinsteadDrop Crossings due to pedestrian visibility issues20
A286 Lavant RoadChichesterWest Dean / LavantSpeed limit reduction5
High Street (Phase2) TRO &
Engineering Works
Mid SussexHurstpierpointFootway Improvements / TRO / Bollards / Cycle Stands50
Ashfield Road one wayChichesterMidhurstAshfield Road 20mph / one way and traffic
A273 / B2112 pedestrian refugeMid SussexHassocksPedestrian refuge in central hatching50
Footway Enhancement (Blackwell Farm
Mid SussexEast GrinsteadSchool Safety Zone / Connectivity / TRO40
Footway / Cycle Enhancement (Cycle
Forum Application)
Mid SussexEast GrinsteadElizabeth Crescent (Hospital) Connectivity / TRO75
Pedestrian Crossing Facility / Lindfield
Mid SussexEast GrinsteadBuild Out / TRO / Bollards – Connectivity25
Cedar Drive, SouthwaterHorshamSouthwater & NuthurstRequest for ped refuge15
Nuthurst Rd, NuthurstHorsham Southwater & Nuthurst Parking restrictions/School Safety Zone /
Footpath extension
High Street, SteyningHorshamSteyningVillage-wide 20mph zone20
Shoreham Rd, Upper BeedingHorshamUpper BeedingInstallation of ped refuge and reduction in speed limit at Location 1, ped refuge and signage at location 2 (both locations associated with South
Downs Way.) Improved carriageway signage at
3rd crossing point location
Godstalls Lane, SteyningHorshamSteyningRequest for removal of verge within public
highway, to allow for free access of refuse and
emergency vehicles
The Street, HoughtonHorshamAmberleyfeasibility scheme for pedestrian access between
Houghton and Amberley
Rectory PROW EnhancementHorshamStorringtonPROW by Church in Church St30
London Road Northbound, WashingtonHorshamWashingtonRequest to develop area of verge into slip lane
exiting onto A24, with improvements to slip lane
entering Rock Rd
A283 Storrington RoadHorshamStorringtonEquine enhancement scheme20
Titnore Lane ImprovementsWorthingNorthbrookTraffic Management80
Traffic Signals (Junction Management)
Sandhawes Hill / Holtye Road
Mid SussexEast GrinsteadTraffic Signals (Junction Management)200

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