Chichester District Transport Strategy (2022 – 2036)

The Draft West Sussex Transport Plan (2022-2036) outlines the current transport networks within West Sussex and the potential aspirations for future changes and needs. Every district has short, medium and long term changes outlined for all modes of transportation.

Chichester district is very large, covering 303 square miles. The towns of Midhurst, Petworth, Selsey and the city of Chichester are located within the district, the majority of the district is within the South Downs National Park. The A27 that runs east to west through the district which is entirely dual carriageway, although does have roundabouts around Chichester. Other major roads that run through the district is the A259 which connects Bognor Regis and Chichester, along with the A272, A285 & A286. The main railway route that runs through the district is the the West Coastway Line. NCN2 runs E-W through part of the district, however is missing large sections. NCN88 Centurion Way runs N-S along an old railway near to Chichester City.

Issues highlighted by plan

  1. Congestion on the A27 & A259, especially at peak periods but not just at normal AM/PM peaks
  2. Congestion on the A285 Westhampsted Road and A286 Chichester Ring Road which can interact with the operation of the A27
  3. Limited routes to Manhood Peninsula
  4. Further tourism congestion during peak Summer periods.
  5. Rat-running on residential and rural routes to avoid congestion on the A27
  6. Level crossing delays at Southgate, Basin Road & Whyke Lane.
  7. Traffic related air quality management areas within the district in Chichester and Midhurst.
  8. Bus journeys are slow at peak times due to congestion.
  9. Rail services to Brighton and Solent cities can be slow and some trains lack modern facilities.
  10. Limited opportunities to use active travel modes from Manhood Peninsula and Midhurst.
  11. Gaps in cycle network

Short term priorities (2022-2027)

  • On-street electric car charging infrastructure in Chichester
  • A27 junction mitigation measures
  • A259 NCN 2 “Chemroute” improvements
  • A259 Chichester to Bognor Regis corridor enhancement (including shared transport and active travel facilities)
  • A286 Chichester City ring road improvements (including active travel facilities)
  • Strategic Transport Investment Programme Oving Road cycle route
  • A285 Westhampnett Road improvements (including shared transport and active travel facilities)
  • DDRT and other shared transport services between Chichester, Havant, Bognor Regis and Littlehampton (connecting strategic developments in Chichester and Arun Districts, and Havant Borough)
  • Air Quality Action Plan measures in Chichester

Medium term priorities (2027 – 2032)

  • A27 Chichester major scheme
  • LCWIP priorities
  • On-street electric vehicle charging infrastructure in remaining areas

Long term priorities (2032 – 2036)

  • LCWIP priorities
  • Reconfigure West Coastway services
  • On-street electric vehicle charging infrastructure in remaining areas

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