Earlier this week the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee met to discuss schemes on the A23, A259, Park & Ride and policy documents such as
Category: Minor Roads
Everything that is minor road information. Can be things like new roads for developments or small changes to larger roads.

On the 15th March the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee will meet to discuss and make decisions on various topics including deciding whether to proceed

Planning application DM/21/4355 outlines the works to be taken place for the new traffic signal controlled crossroads on Issacs’ Lane & Northern Arc Avenue, as

Burgess Hill currently has several small highway schemes taking place, mostly aimed at sustainable transport. This mostly includes improving paths and roads around the town

The main works of the first phase of the Manor Royal improvement scheme is due to start in January 2022, with some of the minor

City Place Junction The City Place Junction which is located where the A23 (London Road) & Bee Hive Ring Road meet, was originally constructed in

As part of a Section 278 agreement by Glenbeight Developments as a result of the business units off of the A2300, an improved crossing is

As a section 278 condition of the housing development on the old wastewater treatment works, the roundabouts at Fairbridge where the A273 & B2036 meet

As part of the North Horsham development, the main access road, Rusper Road is having a short section made into a dual carriageway, albeit with

The traffic signal controlled crossroads in Felpham were refurbished earlier this year which included minor alterations, including new Advance Stop Lines at all the approaches